Future Of The Force Weekly Review: 22–01–17
This week at a glance…
It has been a quiet week in the Star Wars universe. With the tidal wave of momentum from the box office juggernaut that is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story finally subsiding, attention has started to shine upon the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VIII. The return of Star Wars Rebels however, appeared to be short lived as the UK once again suffered from an apparent broadcast malfunction. Disney XD UK premiered the sublime episode “Ghosts of Geonosis” in early January but the continuation of the series has been put on hold, despite the US broadcast continuing.
The unfortunate fans residing in the United Kingdom must now endure an agonising wait until 18th February, when the series is set to return to our screens. Until then we are left with a Star Wars media drought that will prove to be a test of endurance for many of us. However, at Future of the Force, the team have struggled on with some fantastic content designed to fill the void that Rebels has left in its wake. From Rebels to the Global Women’s March, the team have been on the front lines yet again and have shared their thoughts with us.
And so, we enter the weekly review with a combination of excitement and hope. The force is with us, and we are one with the force…
Radio Ryloth got the week under way with her insightful look at the mythology surrounding the Darksaber, the legendary weapon of house Vizsla. The predominant Mandalorian clan has thrived throughout the ages and the ancient weapon has found a new custodian in Spectre 5, the Ghost’s Sabine Wren. Check out her insights here:
Future of the Force co-founder Stewart Gardiner opened the cover of the sublime Pablo Hidalgo book, Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide and found himself blown away by the sheer brilliance contained within. The glossy pages were enough to captivate our intrepid reviewer and he shared his thoughts with us here:
This week also saw the arrival of the third wave of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story action figures from Hasbro. With characters like Bodhi Rook, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Death Trooper, Scarif Trooper, Jyn Erso in Imperial disguise and Baze Malbus with Stormtrooper to choose from, every fan had something to aim for. Unfortunately, the stock was restricted to the import chains but that did not stop the fans from grabbing their favourite characters in abundance.
And finally…
Saturday 21st of January saw the inception of the Global Women’s March, a protest designed to illuminate the subject of women’s rights. From New York to London, the world came together in a unified voice of symbolism and at the spearhead of the crowd was the image of our beloved Princess Leia. Future of the Force co-founder, AndrewinBelfast engaged with our beloved readers and they responded with an outpouring of images that accentuated Carrie Fisher’s incredible legacy. Check it out his inside look here:
It was another fantastic week for the Future of the Force team, from Rebels to the Global Women’s March, the team are covering every angle unearthed within the Star Wars universe and tackling the hottest subjects head on. Only the force knows what lies ahead of us in the coming weeks but rest assured, the Future of the Force team will be on the front lines bringing you the best Star Wars content from across the Outer Rim territories and beyond…
Until then…
May The Force Be With You