Our Thoughts on Rian Johnson’s New Star Wars Trilogy:
Rian Johnson is returning to the Star Wars universe to create a new trilogy, and the Future of the Force writers are sharing their thoughts.
The Last Jedi, is one of the most hotly anticipated Star Wars movies of all time, and its arrival has sparked a tidal wave of euphoric expectation amongst the fans. The franchise is practically guaranteed an instant success when the eighth instalment of the Skywalker legacy arrives on our screens this December, and reveals Rian Johnson’s vision of the galaxy far, far away…
In the aftermath of Colin Trevorrow being relieved of his directorial duties on Episode IX, many of the fans expected Johnson to be confirmed as his successor. This accolade however, fell upon returning visionary J.J. Abrams, who had rejuvenated the saga in 2015, with the immensely successful sequel, The Force Awakens.
For a time, it appeared that Johnson’s relationship with the Star Wars universe had been short lived. And then, Lucasfilm announced that he would be returning to the galaxy far, far away to write and direct an all new Star Wars trilogy, set in a distant corner of the galaxy previously unexplored in Star Wars mythology.
It is exciting news, and the internet has exploded with excited chatter eager to unravel the mystery of where this new trilogy will take place, and we are right in the thick of it. In honour of this incredible news, the fantastic writers here at Future of the Force are sharing their hopes and expectations for this new trilogy, but are we all in favour of more Star Wars action?
Katelyn Mathis
Rian Johnson has high hopes for his career and the future of Star Wars. The Last Jedi hasn’t even hit theatres yet, and we’re already fanaticizing about the years to come. Rian himself seems to know his butt is on the line. On Thursday, Rian tweeted “Obviously I hope you like The Last Jedi. But man, now I REALLY hope you like The Last Jedi”. Us too pal. Us too.
With the announcement that we would see a trilogy from the untested Star Wars director, fans went both ways. While some criticized the choice, others are just happy that there will be years of Star Wars to come. Personally, I am cautiously optimistic. The Last Jedi looks to be an epic instalment in the series. I hope Rian can make a good impression and find the proper footing with the Star Wars fandom.
Thomas Storaï
I think it’s an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan with all these new movies being made! It’s a good choice that after Episode IX, they’re stepping away from the Skywalker saga (at least for a while) with this new trilogy. It keeps the Star Wars universe on the big screen even if it’s not Skywalker stories. This is such a big universe and there’s so much to explore that this new trilogy, just like other standalone movies are the perfect medium to go to new territories.
Rian Johnson is free to tell the story and create the characters he wants, he doesn’t have to stand on a pre-existing chapter to write his story like for The Last Jedi, so I’m excited to see what he’ll do with these new movies. And as to which era the story will take place, I’d love something about the origins of the Jedi, an ancient story, that would be a great subject to write about, but I’ll be happy with whatever era it’s going to be. I trust Rian and Kathleen Kennedy to give us the best movies!
Carl Roberts
Even though it sounds fantastic that Rian Johnson is helming a brand-new Star Wars Trilogy and most of the fans seem to be over the moon with the announcement, I find myself somewhat underwhelmed with the news. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE all things Star Wars, but could this be the straw that breaks the camels’ back? The world may grow tired of Star Wars over saturation in the long run and decide not to go see the new movies. Even though it’s worked for the Marvel universe, will it work for Star Wars?
Only time will tell…
Having heard, seen and had time to think about the news of the new Rian Johnson led Star Wars trilogy, makes me curious and interested at the very least. It’s one thing for Disney/Lucasfilm to do this after the release of The Last Jedi next month after they’ve seen the official gross income (both national and international), but another to do it before. This is especially considering the way they have gone through directors this year. First the change in directors on the still untitled Episode IX film, then on the Han Solo spin-off. This must mean Kathleen Kennedy and Disney/Lucasfilm overall has major confidence in him.
As for my own thoughts however, while I really enjoy watching Rian Johnson directed films, I can only hope that at the very least, the company compromises enough to see a slightly new take on this beloved franchise. It’s sounding like it’s working with Thor Ragnarok, so why not give the Star Wars franchise a chance. Being as from the press release alone, it’s not set to be part of the original “Skywalker Saga”, I see no reason why not. In short, my vote is, “go for it Rian. Can’t wait to see what you make.”
Darth Elvis
Ever since I watched Brick, the directorial debut of Rian Johnson back in 2005 I have been hooked. He’s an incredibly gifted writer and director and knows what is required to deliver a great film. Looper was a stunning piece of Sci-Fi so when I heard he had been brought on board to write and direct Episode VIII, The Last Jedi I was on Cloud City with a massive grin on my face. To give Rian the opportunity to tell more Star Wars tales beyond the Skywalker Saga is allowing a great storyteller to explore new worlds and characters that have never been touched upon before. I’m hot dang excited to see what he comes up with and where it goes from there!
Brad Tracy
I could not imagine how folks felt in 1977, before Star Wars had been born into this world. To see something so imaginative and original that your whole world had been changed over the course of two hours. But I do distinctly remember how I felt in 1999, to once again adventure into the great unknown with millions of my fellow fans along for the ride. With the announcement of Rian Johnson spearheading a brand new Star Wars trilogy, to yet again plot the navicomputer for a galaxy far, far away and just punch it…I for one am ready to party like it’s 1999.
Katarina Schultz
I’m excited to see what new directions the show and trilogy are going to take us in. I really hope Lucasfilm stays committed to their statements and puts some diverse creators behind the camera. I’d love to see women and people of color in the writing room and director’s chairs. The other cinematic universes (Marvel, DC) have been making far greater strides with representation behind the camera and it’s time Star Wars stepped up to match (and surpass!) them. I’m also curious to see how far the cinematic universe model can carry us. Personally, I’m not fatigued yet, but franchise fatigue may eventually become a real concern. But for now, give me more Star Wars!
Shay (ElvenPadawan)
On one hand, I am very intrigued to see what this new trilogy could bring us. It’s always fun to see the lore and history of the Star Wars universe being expanded, and Rian Johnson seems to have a lot of passion for not only his own filmmaking, but also the Star Wars stories in particular. I’m very excited to see what he’s done with The Last Jedi, and hopeful for the new trilogy. However, I am rather concerned with the recent influx of Star Wars media coming from Disney. Not only do we have the rest of the current saga trilogy and the last bit of Rebels, but also the ongoing anthology films, the next animated series we’re being teased for, this new non-saga trilogy, AND the rumors of a live-action show.
I’m a little worried that they’re beginning to “overdo it”. Plus, a lot of these new Star Wars stories made by Disney will be pulling away from the core, Skywalker-centric focus of the saga movies; it’s almost as if they’re trying to leave behind the original characters focused on by George Lucas, who always drove the story forward for him. I don’t want to see them try to recreate the success of Star Wars all over again, but with their own new settings, characters, and story, that is ripped out of Lucas’s vision.
Phil Roberts
Being thrust to the forefront of the Star Wars franchise can be a daunting prospect, one that many directors would shy away from. The fear of failure must be overwhelming, and the weight one must carry on their shoulders is laborious, but that hasn’t stopped Rian Johnson coming back for round two, three, four and five!
The man must be mad.
His optimism alone, deserves all the credit we can muster. His devotion to the saga speaks volumes about his character, and I truly hope The Last Jedi, not only goes on to be a defining moment of his career, but a truly wonderful entry into the Star Wars movie fraternity. However, my concern is growing for the overwhelming amount of Star Wars content being manufactured just now. Succeeding The Last Jedi, we have Episode IX, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Kenobi: A Star Wars Story, a live action TV series and now, an all new trilogy to look forward too! My alarm bells are ringing. My appetite for more Star Wars content is greater than ever, but we, as fans hold Lucasfilm to a high standard, and maintaining the quality of these successes year on year is an insurmountable task. Will too much Star Wars dilute Star Wars? Only the Force knows!
Your Choice:
This news has certainly got the fans talking, and the excitement for Rian Johnson’s new trilogy is building, but do you agree with us?
Drop us a line and share your stand out moment with us here: https://twitter.com/futureotforce
May The Force Be With You